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Wine-tasting workshops

It was my grand-father who first introduced me to wine during long Sunday dinners with my family. A glass of Bordeaux to discover the wonderful story of aromas and tastes, and the joy of sharing a beautiful moment together... a drink with friends, a full-bodied bottle with a loved one... wine accompanies many pleasant moments of life! Since we arrived in the Bordeaux region, I am truly enjoying walking our dog D’Artagnan around the surrounding vineyards and learning about the grapes' seasonal development through winter sleep and spring flowers to bountiful harvests in September...I also love to visit our neighbours who are winemakers to learn about the wine-making process from the horse's mouth. In order to gain more knowledge about wine-tasting, I am also studying with the professional, international oenology school Wine&Spirt Education Trust. To taste different wines, to discover the stories that are behind them, and to decide how to best pair the wines with Elin's cooking are definitely my favourite activities at Les Vignes Reines!

But I do also enjoy practicing yoga with Elin in order to keep in shape. And believe it or not,

but I have discovered that wine and yoga actually have something in common: a sensorial awakening

and the joy of feeling connected to earth...


De la double cosy à la quadruple lumineuse, nos chambres possèdent salle de bain et toilettes privées. Dans celles au rez-de-jardin, votre animal de compagnie est le bienvenu! Plus d'infos



Elin offre des cours individuels ou à deux de Yoga Vinyasa et Yoga Nidra, pour se dépenser, se détendre et déconnecter. Bonne détox après les dégustations de vins! Plus d'infos



Nous cuisinons avec des produits locaux, de saisons, bio et savoureux, une table sans viande et pleine de délices. Nous vous proposons un menu entrée-plat-dessert avec accord mets & vins pour 38 € (3 verres). Ou 26 € avec boissons à la carte. Plus d'infos 



Ophélie anime des ateliers de dégustation pour titiller vos narines et vos papilles. Une introduction ludique aux vins de Graves et de Sauternes avant de vous rendre chez les vignerons... Plus d'infos

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